How to pack, store or transport mannequin?
Mannequins are light weight but bulky. There are times when one needs to dismantle and store mannequin or possibly ship to another location, perhaps an exhibition ground or retail store. It is important to properly pack mannequin to avoid damage.
Handy guide to storing or shipping a mannequin
Items needed: Packing box, foam or corrugated paper sheets, packing peanuts, bubble wrap, packing tape, cutter or scissors.
Always remove rings, bangles, bracelet or wrist watch from your hand before handling the mannequin. Disassemble all mannequin parts and keep on a flat surface away from any obstruction. Pack each part individually in foam or corrugated paper sheet. Ensure that the eyes of the mannequin have a protactive mask around it
1. Find a proper storage box.
Whenever possible, mannequin should be stored in the same box that you got at the time of purchase. If you do not have the same, check with your retailer to see if they can spare one. Alternatively, visit a store selling refrigerator and borrow a box from them. A refrigerator will have volume and strength to store or ship a mannequin.
2. Pack base plate
Base plate normally has a metal rod attached to it. You need to remove it from the plate using a Phillip head screw driver. Pack the baseplate in foam or corrugated paper and tape it firmly to the wall of the cardboard box. If the rod on the base plate is fixed, make a hole in the mannequin box and push it out.
3. Putting mannequin parts into the box.
Once the base plate is securely attached to the wall of the box, it is now time to put legs (attached with hips) into the box. Normally it is the first item to put inside the box. You may also like to put a thin layer of packing peanuts before that. Next, ensure that a protective eye mask is on the mannequin’s face and put upper body part between the gap of legs and mannequin wall. Put some packing peanuts as fillers, finally put arms. Do not leave any empty space inside the box, fill it with packing peanuts or shredded paper. Close the box with packing tape and glue a picture of mannequin on both sides. This will help you to locate correct mannequin if you plan to store / ship several mannequins.
4. Storage of mannequin
Store in a loft (if you have). Avoid putting anything heavy on the top of the mannequin box. Keep it stored in a dry place, away from sunlight, in temperature below 40 degree centigrade.
5 Shipping & Transport
Whenever possible, ship your mannequin in a wooden crate unless you are using a specially designed honeycomb box. Put a fragile sticker to let logistic company know that they are handling a fragile shipment. If you are taking in airplane as personal luggage check maximum size restriction before packing.
Always remove rings, bangles, bracelet or wrist watch from your hand before handling the mannequin. Disassemble all mannequin parts and keep on a flat surface away from any obstruction. Pack each part individually in foam or corrugated paper sheet. Ensure that the eyes of the mannequin have a protactive mask around it
1. Find a proper storage box.
Whenever possible, mannequin should be stored in the same box that you got at the time of purchase. If you do not have the same, check with your retailer to see if they can spare one. Alternatively, visit a store selling refrigerator and borrow a box from them. A refrigerator will have volume and strength to store or ship a mannequin.
2. Pack base plate
Base plate normally has a metal rod attached to it. You need to remove it from the plate using a Phillip head screw driver. Pack the baseplate in foam or corrugated paper and tape it firmly to the wall of the cardboard box. If the rod on the base plate is fixed, make a hole in the mannequin box and push it out.
3. Putting mannequin parts into the box.
Once the base plate is securely attached to the wall of the box, it is now time to put legs (attached with hips) into the box. Normally it is the first item to put inside the box. You may also like to put a thin layer of packing peanuts before that. Next, ensure that a protective eye mask is on the mannequin’s face and put upper body part between the gap of legs and mannequin wall. Put some packing peanuts as fillers, finally put arms. Do not leave any empty space inside the box, fill it with packing peanuts or shredded paper. Close the box with packing tape and glue a picture of mannequin on both sides. This will help you to locate correct mannequin if you plan to store / ship several mannequins.
4. Storage of mannequin
Store in a loft (if you have). Avoid putting anything heavy on the top of the mannequin box. Keep it stored in a dry place, away from sunlight, in temperature below 40 degree centigrade.
5 Shipping & Transport
Whenever possible, ship your mannequin in a wooden crate unless you are using a specially designed honeycomb box. Put a fragile sticker to let logistic company know that they are handling a fragile shipment. If you are taking in airplane as personal luggage check maximum size restriction before packing.